Wednesday, June 8, 2011

trucks y trabajo

This morning got off to an interesting start. The AMA truck that is supposed to drive Hilda, Roberto and some others to El Refugio wouldn’t start. So, Cater, Kirsten, Hilda, Roberto, Ricardo and I all lined up behind it and pushed. After getting it out into the street, it still wouldn’t start and we were blocking a bus, so a few men emerged from the bus and we all pushed it back into the garage. And then we went again, we pushed it out into the street and kept pushing and kept pushing for like a block and a half until it finally caught. Hilda plopped down on the sidewalk and just laughed and laughed.
            Back to yesterday, I spent the day working in the office, exploring the market and cooking a little. For the next 4 to 5 weeks I’m going to be conducting research about the economy of Pacutama, a community in the mountains of Guatemala. I’ll be spending some of my days in the office researching and designing a series of interview questions and a research method. Then, I will spend a few days to a week living in the community to gather information and conduct interviews. The hope is that my secondary research and the primary data I collect can be used to continue a bigger project dealing with community health and economics.
            I’ll tell you all about the markets and food later after I’ve seen and tasted more! Shout out to Karsten- I made guacamole yesterday, get excited : )

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